Read the Bible in a Year by Email

Folly is joy to him who is void of wisdom, but a man of understanding makes his going straight. -  Proverbs 15:21

Are you looking for a simple, convenient way to read the Bible through in a years time? Our program provides you with the means to read through the entire Bible in a one year period (365 days) via e-mail! You don't need to have a Bible with you to read your daily scriptures because they are sent to you in a daily e-mail! This program is completely free of charge, and is designed to spiritually challenge and uplift you through God's Holy word, the Bible. There are currently five unique reading programs and eight popular versions of the Bible to choose from!

Click here to sign up to receive daily scriptures and Read the Bible in a Year by Email

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° Start to finish (Genesis - Revelation)
° Alternating (month to month)
° Chronological order
° New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs
° Different Bible Topics
King James VersionKing James (KJV) New King James VersionNew King James (NKJV)
American Standard VersionAmerican Standard (ASV) New American Standard VersionNew American Standard (NAS)
World English BibleWorld English Bible (WEB) New International VersionNew International (NIV)
A Consservative VersionConservative (ACV) Revised Standard VersionRevised Standard (RSV)
Start whenever you want, programs are not limited to starting on January 1st.
Scripture readings are e-mailed directly to you each day.
Daily scriptures can be read in the Member area.
Resend any daily reading from your personal calendar in the Member area.
Track your progress and edit your personal profile at any time in the Member area.